Question Re: Virtualization Software for Apple Silicon

What about all the websites inside VirtualBox?

James Ellis@jamesellisnyc

Our website is built using Virtualbox, which runs on Intel processors, but not Apple Silicon.

Installing and configuring open source software is fussy, no matter what anyone says. Each project inevitably requires its own unique config. Virtualization tools help isolate the complexity.

We use Vagrant to control our Virtualbox VM, and Varying Vagrant Vagrants for provisioning and distributing our site’s WordPress environment.

Before these tools, one would install locally the web server, database and scripting language, or connect to a linux box somewhere in the cloud.

Software like vvv→vagrant→virtualbox really upgrades the developer workflow. This is what we like:

Apple Silicon reminds me of the old days, because we’re approaching 2 years with M1 and computer still says no re: virtualization. I don’t think Apple is interested in supporting hypervisors like Intel did, where features are built into the chips.

I wonder what will happen to the virtualization world. I’m aware Parallels is now available for M1, but this version required the development of a new engine. I’m not sure the Virtualbox team will bother. Perhaps some cool new thing will swoop in, re-solve the problem. I dunno.

I’m left with the sense that, while my M1 mac is incredible—super snappy, minimal heat, long-lasting battery—it won’t replace our dev rigs anytime soon. The 2018 Mini remains my road dog.


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