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I promise we will never do this to you bloomberg.com
Podcasters Ditch Short Episodes in Favor of Four-Hour Conversations
Listening to podcast interviews is turning into an endurance sport
📩 2024-09-13 mailchi.mp
We just
enjoy the wknd
Song Pong victortao.substack.com
Song Pong
Synchronizing pong to music with constrained optimization
Transparent Textures transparenttextures.com
Transparent Textures
Get the maximum out of your font sinja.io
Features of your font you had no idea about · OlegWock
Different weights are cool, but the real question is whether your font can swash.
Carpentopod: A walking table project decarpentier.nl
Carpentopod: A walking table project
Back in 2008, I wrote some software for fun to generate various optimized walking mechanisms. And when I also picked up some electronics and wood working skills in more recent years, I was able to tur...
50 Bad Album Covers rollingstone.com
The 50 Worst Album Covers of All Time
The 50 Worst Album Covers of All Time: Kanye, Dylan, Creed, and more
Schools are putting vape detectors in bathrooms – paid for by Juul npr.org
Schools are putting vape detectors in bathrooms -- paid for by Juul
Some districts are using money from a $1.7 billion legal settlement against e-cigarette manufacturer Juul Labs to pay for the high-tech devices. But there are critics and also privacy concerns.
How Long Gone #691: @themjeans and I chat with @chrisleehutson about Chappell Moan, the Trump debate, winning tickets to see Taylor Swift at 15, Top Golf Nashville, Equinox sauna drama, Jay-Z is deep state, and why someone would live in Altadena howlonggone.com
691 Christian Lee Hutson
Christian Lee Hutson is a musician from New York. His new record, Paradise Pop. 10, is out soon. We spoke with him from Atlanta about Shannon Sharpe going Live, Chappell Moan, the Trump debate, he won...
📩 2024-09-12 mailchi.mp
Miracles will happen as we trip
Fall Foliage Map smokymountains.com
2024 Fall Prediction Map
When will the leaves start changing? When will they peak? Our Nationwide 2024 Fall Foliage Map and leaf prediction tool has answers and progressive county-level predictions.
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Stills for Two Hours
Marking 120 Wednesday Stills
A website is a machine you leave outside
always on.
My $80 Macbook
Hot rodded with a 240GB SSD and 4GB of RAM, it’s a screamer.
Day One Sessions
A concept for up & coming guitarists with a passion for teaching.
Context Limited Computing
Keep only the main thing on the mainframe.
Have you noticed the dearth of compelling metaverse demos?
Few people have goggle rigs, and it’s hard to communicate the VR experience, but still… where are the demos that make people feel something
Do you remember Sessions@AOL?
It was a simpler time.
The Best Drum Pattern
We make our case for the “push beat” using twenty-two examples.
Test the limits of your computer…
… by visiting our homepage, pressing and holding the ⌘ command key, then alternating between the ↓ down arrow and ⮑ return.
Your business card is CRAP!
Your card should be so good that, even if they don’t like you, they won’t throw it out, because it demonstrates incredible marketing capability.
Collaborative Writing
Typing with somebody
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